মোঃ মোজ্জাম্মেল হোছাইন
প্রথমে শব্দার্থগুলো পড়ে নিন
Remind Of:স্মরণ করাইয়া দেত্তয়া(Put someone in mind of)
Rip through : দ্রুত ধ্বংস করা, চূর্ণ বিচূর্ণ করা (Destroy Quickly)
Heartland: প্রাণকেন্দ্র (The central part of a region)
Jigsaw Puzzle:একধরণের রহস্য
Forge: গঠন করা, দৃঢ় পায়ে অগ্রসর হওয়া (Construct, Move forward heavily)
Pave The Way:পথ তৈরী করা (To make future development easier)
Faction: দল, চক্র, বিরোধী দল (a group within a larger group,especiall
Set Aside:নাকচ করা, পরিহার করা
Scourge:অনেক সমস্যার কারণ (something or someone that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble)
The carnage in Syria continues
World powers must find a way for peace
The bloody conflict in Syria has entered its 6thyear. And we were reminded of it on May 23 when 7 explosions ripped through north-eastern Syria in the heartland of government-cont
That the global populace is outraged is not news, nor is it news that the leading powers cannot find common ground to forge a ceasefire that could pave the way for peace. How can world leaders justify supporting this faction or that amidst the colossal loss of human life, ignore the suffering of millions of displaced Syrians and the steady destruction of a civilisation?
Geopolitics aside, the longer the civil war is allowed to continue, the stronger will become the hand and reach of IS which has already struck mainland Europe. We hope that world leaders can set aside their differences and come to the negotiating table while there is still time to contain the scourge of IS.