The Daily star Editorial : 02-06-16
by > মোঃ মোজ্জাম্মেল হোছাইনপ্রথমে শব্দার্থগুলো পড়ে নিন
Perpetuate : চিরস্থায়ী করা (Lasting forever, eternalize)
Amid:মধ্যে, বেষ্টন (In between of, surrounded by)
Engross:কোন কিছুর প্রতি সম্পুর্ণ মনোযোগ দেওয়া, নিমগ্ন (Giving all attention to something, absorbed)
Toil:কঠোর পরিশ্রম করা (Work, Travail)
Scourge:অনেক সমস্যার কারণ (something or someone that causes great suffering or a lot of trouble)
Lay Bare:তুলে ধরা, জানানো (Make something known)
Deter: বাধা দেওয়া (Prevent)
Abolish:বাতিল করা(Reject)
Bondage perpetuates amid growth!Developm
We are so engrossed in the exponential development figures that we hardly care aboutthose people who are toiling in enslaved conditions to fuel the growth engine. The grimpicture came out in a recent survey report prepared by Australia-based
The global slavery index defines slavery as"situations of exploitation that a person cannot refuse or leave because of threats, violence, coercion, abuse of power and deception". According to the report, the most common form of slavery in Bangladesh is forced labour which is particularly prevalent inmanufacturing
There is hardly any regulation to protect the rights of these workers. Our law enforcement initiatives are also not adequate to deter crimes like forced prostitution, trafficking and child marriage. The implementation of programmes and policies to address this abhorrent situation are not cohesively implemented by the government. We can't emphasize more on the point that we need to abolish all forms of inhuman labour to ensure equality, human dignity and sustainable development of the country.
Courtesy :Zakir's BCS specials