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আজ ১৯/০৩/২০১৬ এর The Daily Star পত্রিকার Editorial এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দগুলোর অর্থ এবং Synonym

19-03-16 The Daily star Editorial শব্দার্থ
by >>> মোঃ মোজ্জাম্মেল হোছাইন
প্রথমে শব্দার্থগুলো পড়ে নিন
Triennial: ত্রৈবার্ষিক
long Standing: দীর্ঘসময়ব্যাপী
Decline:অধ:পতন (Downfall, Dilapidation)
Torpid:অবশ, মন্থর, ধীর(Slow, Impassable)
Shrinking: সঙ্কোচন (Shrivel, Narrow)
Stemming: বাধা (Cumber)
Resort:অবলম্বন করা
Boycott:বর্জন (Exclusion, Elimination)
Cogitate:চিন্তাকরা (Think, Contemplate)
Assess:মূল্যায়নকরা, পরিমাপ করা (Evaluate)
Indulge: সন্তুষ্ট করা, প্রশ্রয় দেয়া (Satisfy, Pamper)
Oppose: বিরোধিতা করা, (Combat, Resist)
Rationalise:যুক্তিপ্রয়োগ করা
Imperative:অনুজ্ঞাসূচক,অত্যাবশ্যক, অপরিহার্য (Requisite)
Viable:টেকসই,মজবুদ, স্থায়ী (Strong, Durable)
Slump:অতিমন্দা (Depression)
Adhere to: মেনে চলা
Shun:পরিহার করা(Eliminate)
Company: সাহচর্য
BNP's party council
A time for soul-searching
The BNP is holding its sixth triennial council after a long gap of seven years. It is a party of a fairly long standing but over the years has been on a gradual decline. There are many reasons for the torpid state that BNP finds itself in. Shrinking of its political space, stemming from the government highhandedness towards it, is one of those. However, that cannot be the reason for the type of politics that BNP had resorted to, particularly in the period immediately before the 2014 election which it chose to boycott and tried to prevent, a politics it repeated in January 2015.
We feel that there are primarily two issues that the BNP must cogitate on. First, the role it played following the 2014 elections that have caused many people to lose faith in its politics, should be thoroughly assessed. But more than that, it must indulge in an objective review of its link with the Jamaat. We have been consistently opposed to BNP's relationship with Jamaat and fail to rationalise the association. A cost benefit analysis of its alliance with the anti-liberationparty is imperative if it wants to remain a viable entity that can play the role of an effective opposition when out of power. We feel that BNP's association with Jamaat has been the principal cause of its slump.
The country needs a good opposition and none exists today. But the BNP should understand that if it wants to be a strong political party and find acceptance among the voters in electoral politics, its politics must adhere to the fundamental principles and ethics of the Liberation War, shunning the company of those that have stood against the birth of this country.

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