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The Daily star Editorial : 06-06-16

The Daily star Editorial : 06-06-16
by মোঃ মোজ্জাম্মেল হোছাইন
প্রথমে শব্দার্থগুলো পড়ে নিন
Evaluate:পরিমাপ করা, মূল্যায়ন করা (Assess, Appraise)
Grand Pledge: মহৎ অঙ্গীকার (Supreme commitment)
Degradation:অবনতি (Deterioration, Dilapidation)
Deteriorate: হৃাস পাওয়া, খারাপ হওয়া (Worsen,
Fell:হৃাস করা, পতন ঘটা ( Decrease, decline)
Revise down : সংশোধন করা, পুনঃপরীক্ষা (Retrial, Rectify)
Oblivious:অন্যমনস্ক, অমনোযোগী (Heedless, unaware)
Reek:ধোঁয়া ছড়ান, গন্ধ ছড়ান
Encroachment:আক্রমণ, জোরপূর্বক দখল
Stark:সম্পূর্ণ(Quite, Complete)
Irreversible:অপরিবর্তনীয়, স্থায়ী (Unchanging)
Protecting the environment
Do our words translate to action?
We observed yet another World Environment Day, and perhaps it is time to seriously evaluate if our actions on the ground match our grand pledges, in summits and seminars, to protect the country from the threat of climate change and further environmental degradation.
It is alarming that the state of our forests have increasingly deteriorated since independence; in 1971, 16 percent of our land consisted of forests, but now forests constitute only 6-7 percent of the total land, according to environment activists. The 1994 Master Plan set a target to forest about 20 percent of the country's land by 2015, which we fell woefully short of. The fact that the plan had to be revised down to 15 percent by 2021 highlights our failure to prioritise environmental concerns.
Meanwhile, we seem oblivious of the active pollution of our rivers and forests through unaccounted industrialisation. As reported in our paper yesterday, the Karnaphuli river reeks of chemical pollutants as effluent from the paper mill is dumped untreated into the river. The Buriganga, too, is beyond recognition due to years of encroachment.
The threat to Bangladesh due to climate change is well documented. It is considered to be among the most vulnerable countries. But consistent failure of the state to acknowledge and address issues of river encroachment and deforestation, particularly when it comes to development projects, is in stark contrast to what is needed.
Development at the expense of irreversible damage is not the only way forward. Our concern for our environment must go beyond words and translate to action.
Courtesy : Zakir's BCS specials

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