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আজ ২৫/০৩/২০১৬ এর The Daily Star পত্রিকার Editorial এর গুরুত্বপূর্ণ শব্দগুলোর অর্থ এবং Synonym

The Daily star Editorial : 25-03-16
প্রথমে শব্দার্থগুলো পড়ে নিন
Threatening:হুমকি (Frightening)
Derelict:পরিত্যক্ত, বর্জিত(Abandoned, Devoid)
Plaster: প্রলেপ (Ointment)
Fell from : পতিত হওয়া(To make something fall)
Wakeup call : বিপদ সম্পর্কে সতর্ক করা (something that serves to alert a person to a problem, danger, or need)
Accommodate:উপযোগী করা, স্থান সংকুলান হওয়া (Suitable, adapt)
Enrollment:তালিকাভুক্তি, নিয়োগ (Appointment)
Commendable:প্রশংসনীয়(Praiseworthy, Laudable)
Appeal:আবেদন করা (Apply, Solicit)
Relevant : সংশ্লিষ্ট (Connate)
Avail:উপকার, লাভ(Benefit)
Lack Of will: ইচ্ছার অভাব
Adequate:পর্যাপ্ত (Enough)
Run-down: জরাজীর্ণ (Decrepit)

When going to school is life threatening
Repair the building immediately
The derelict primary school in Bera municipality in Pabna is a tragic accident waiting to happen. Constructed in 1969, the school building was declared abandoned in 2013 but three years on, students continue to attend classes there risking their lives. About two months ago, plaster fell from the ceiling, injuring several students and a teacher.

One would think it would be a wakeup call to the authorities but it wasn’t. Who will take responsibility in the event of the derelict building collapsing on the children? Accordingto the headmaster, the only reason why they are still taking classes there is because there is no alternative facility to accommodate the students and maintain regularity of classes.

The government prides itself on the increasing enrollment at the primary and secondary levels, which is commendable. Also, in the post-MDG era, discussions about bringing up the quality of education make headlines in the media. Is this the way to deliver on the lofty promise of ensuring quality education for all?

Local officials have, reportedly, appealed to the relevant authorities several times but to no avail. Is it the lack of will or lack of adequate fund that is hindering the construction of a new building? The Ministry of Primary and Mass Education should look into the matter without delay. But before that, an alternative, temporary arrangement must be made for the students and it should be made sure that no student attends classes in this run-down building.

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